11 Ways to Feel Better Every Day (2024)

08 September 2022

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  • General Health
  • Mental Health

11 Ways to Feel Better Every Day (1)

Some days are easy breezy. You wake up in a great mood, your hair looks terrific and the sun is shining. Other days you wake up and drink all the coffee, hate your clothes, stub your toe and wonder how you’re going to get through the day. To reduce the latter and increase the former, take action!

Happiness, like so many other things, must be cultivated and actively pursued. Here are eleven ways to up your happy factor. Try a couple and see how you feel.

Seek mental health care.

This is at the top of the list for a reason. We can talk all day about making gratitude lists or exercise, but if your brain chemistry is out of whack, or if you are experiencing a clinical depression or other mental illness, you need medical care. That may be talk therapy, or it may be medication, but getting treatment for a mental malady is just like getting treatment for a physical one. And just like you wouldn’t try to eat fiber or apply sunscreen to heal a broken leg, you shouldn’t suffer with a mood disorder or mental health issue, either, or try to treat it with tactics that can’t work.

INTEGRIS Health offers free mental health screenings as well as comprehensive services for people of virtually every age. Whatever you’re struggling with, we want to help you find the path back. Learn more here.

Sleep enough.

Most of us spend one-quarter to one-third of our lives asleep. The amount of sleep we need varies slightly by individual, but the importance of healthy sleep habits is clear. Without enough quality sleep, our minds and bodies just don’t work as well. In the short term, even after one or two terrible nights’ sleep can affect your memory, judgement and reflexes. You’re at greater risk of crashing your car. In the long term, sleep deprivation can cause weight gain, increase your risk of diabetes, elevate your blood pressure and weaken your immune system. Plus it will make you cranky.

There are two types of sleep, rapid eye-movement (REM) and non-REM, and four stages. We cycle through all four cycles multiple times a night.

Stage 1 non-REM sleep is a quick stage, just a few minutes. It takes from you to go from being awake to being asleep. This is relatively light sleep, and your heartbeat, breathing and eye movements slow down in this stage.

During Stage 2 non-REM sleep, things slow down even more as your body prepares to enter deeper sleep. Body temperature cools and movements stop. You spend most of your asleep time in this stage.

Stage 3 non-REM sleep is deep rest. You need Stage 3 sleep to feel refreshed. This is also when your body repairs your bones and tissue.
REM sleep happens several times per night, usually initially after about an hour and a half. You dream during REM sleep. Your eyes move back and forth, but your arms and legs are essentially paralyzed which keeps you from acting out your dreams. REM sleep increases brain activity and promotes learning.

Think you might have a sleep disorder? Take our quiz,or contact INTEGRIS Sleep Disorders Centers, we are expertly trained in sleep medicine to evaluate test results and develop a treatment plan to resolve sleep related issues. Our board-certified sleep specialists and registered sleep technologists are here to help you get a better night’s rest, beginning with state-of-the-art sleep studies, which are conducted on site.

A sleep study is a simple, outpatient procedure that monitors multiple aspects of your sleep and gives your physician critical information required to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. For your convenience, night and day evaluations are offered to meet your busy lifestyle.

Eat plenty of fiber.

Want to live longer, maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of certain cancers and lower your risk of heart disease? Also, not to be indelicate, but you’ll have better bowel movements. So eat more fiber. There are two kind: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a gel inside your colon, where it is digested. The gel blocks some of the fat and cholesterol you’ve eaten from being digested and it slows how fast you digest carbohydrates. That helps keep your blood sugar levels steady. Eating plenty of soluble fiber can also lower the risk of heart disease. Great sources of soluble fiber include black beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, sweet potatoes, avocados, apples and carrots.

Insoluble fiber does not digest or dissolve, it just cruises through your digestive tract picking, um, material up along the way, which you then eliminate when you poop. Your mom might have called insoluble fiber ‘roughage.’ It keeps you feeling fuller longer, which allows you to eat less. This is also the stuff that helps you avoid or treat constipation, by moving your digestion along. Plenty of insoluble fiber can be found in foods like cauliflower, dark leafy greens like spinach or kale, nuts, peas, pears or lentils.

Go outside.

Even 20 minutes spent outside, in your yard, a park or on a walk, can change your moodfor the better. Studies have shown that stepping outside lowers stress, heart rate and blood pressure. It can boost creativity and optimism. Best of all? It’s free, and right outside your door.


Walk, bike, run, swim, play Bocce ball, dance or try some yoga. Get moving and you’ll release feel-good hormones AKA endorphins, which your body will literally make for you any time you ask it to by exercising.

Do something creative.

Daily creativity is great for your mood and sense of wellbeing. I’m not saying you have to write the great American novel or paint a mural, although you’re welcome to! Or you could learn to knit, take up cooking, sing a song or doodle a little picture. Gather pretty leaves and make a collage. You get the idea.

Practice a little escapism.

Sometimes you just need to tune out and ignore all of the ‘shoulds’ in your life. Turn your to-do list face down and think about something totally different. This is what trashy novels read in the tub, Hallmark movies and escapist podcasts like NPR’s Tiny Desk Concertswere made for!

Help someone.

Whether you volunteer regularly or help your elderly neighbor take his trash out, doing for others is a known, studied, powerful way to increase your life satisfaction, boost happiness, find meaning and connect. For a quick boost, write someone a thank-you note or a quick hello, or pay for the coffee of the person in the drive-through line behind you. Kindnessis also incredibly contagious! It creates a virtuous circle. Doing good/giving makes us happy, which makes us want to do/give more, which makes us happier.

Pet a dog (or cat).

Interacting with animals can raise our oxytocin levels, calm us down, lower our blood pressure and make us feel loved. Author and animal expert Karen Winegar sums it up beautifully: "The human-animal bond bypasses the intellect and goes straight to the heart and emotions and nurtures us in ways that nothing else can."


What if I told you that if you commit to meditating 5-10 minutes a day on most days you’ll feel calmer, more focused and happier? Can I guarantee it? No. Almost, though. For the vast majority of people who try it, the practice of meditation works. Meditation requires no equipment and it’s free to all. People notice short-term benefits, including improved circulation, less anxiety and stress, lower blood pressure and blood cortisol levels, increased feelings of well-being and peace… even bliss! We’ve assembled a terrific guide to starting a meditation practice.


In the short term, cracking up with your bestie or rewatching that hilarious scene can ease tension, release a burst of feel-good hormones, AKA endorphins and stimulate your heart and lungs. In the longer term, laughtercan give your immune system a boost. When you’re happy, your body releases stress and illness-fighting neuropeptides. Check out Rotten Tomatoes’ “150 Essential Comedy Movies to Watch Now” and get your giggle on.

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11 Ways to Feel Better Every Day (2024)


What are 10 things that make you happy? ›

Survey: Simple things make us happiest
  • Sleeping in a freshly-made bed.
  • Feeling the sun on your face.
  • People saying "thank you" or a random act of kindness from a stranger.
  • Finding money in unexpected places.
  • Having time to myself.
  • Laughing so hard it hurts. ...
  • Snuggling on the sofa with a loved one.
  • Freshly-made bread.

What 3 things make you happy? ›

Here are five ways you can boost your happiness on a daily basis.
  • Practice Daily Gratitude. Expressing gratitude has been shown to do more than improve your mood. ...
  • Surround Yourself with Positive People. ...
  • Do Regular Acts of Kindness. ...
  • Spend More Time with Family and Friends. ...
  • Spend Money on Experiences Instead of Things.

How do you feel good mentally? ›

5 steps to mental wellbeing
  1. Connect with other people. Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. ...
  2. Be physically active. Being active is not only great for your physical health and fitness. ...
  3. Learn new skills. ...
  4. Give to others. ...
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

What are the 7 ways to be happy? ›

Follow these seven tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:
  • Eat nourishing food. ...
  • Sleep seven to eight hours per night. ...
  • Keep company with good people. ...
  • Avoid news overdose. ...
  • Get regular exercise. ...
  • Do something meaningful each day.
9 Aug 2022

What keeps human happy? ›

Besides close relationships, there are two other things that predict happiness in people: having a job or hobby that they love and that challenges them and helping others through volunteer work, random acts of kindness or another type of prosocial behavior. All three of these things make sense.

What makes a good life? ›

Close relationships, the data indicates, are what keep people happy throughout their lives. The study found strong relationships to be far and away the strongest predictor of life satisfaction, and better predictors of long and happy lives than social class, wealth, fame, IQ, or even genes.

What are 10 ways to be mentally healthy? ›

10 tips to boost your mental health
  • Make social connection — especially face-to-face — a priority. ...
  • Stay active. ...
  • Talk to someone. ...
  • Appeal to your senses. ...
  • Take up a relaxation practice. ...
  • Make leisure and contemplation a priority. ...
  • Eat a brain-healthy diet to support strong mental health. ...
  • Don't skimp on sleep.
4 Oct 2018

How do you stop overthinking? ›

Here are six ways to stop overthinking everything:
  1. Notice When You're Stuck in Your Head. Overthinking can become such a habit that you don't even recognize when you're doing it. ...
  2. Keep the Focus on Problem-Solving. ...
  3. Challenge Your Thoughts. ...
  4. Schedule Time for Reflection. ...
  5. Learn Mindfulness Skills. ...
  6. Change the Channel.
24 Jan 2022

What are the 5 keys to happiness? ›

Hope you find his advice as invaluable as I have:
  • Live in the moment.
  • It's better to be loving than to be right.
  • Be a spectator to your own thoughts, especially when you become emotional.
  • Be grateful for at least one thing every day.
  • Help others every chance you get.
10 Feb 2014

What are the 8 ways to be happy? ›

Daily Actions
  • Choose happiness. The most important thing to realize about happiness is that it is not an outcome of current circ*mstances. ...
  • Focus on the good. ...
  • Stop comparing. ...
  • Practice gratitude and generosity. ...
  • Don't pursue physical possessions. ...
  • Be present in your relationships. ...
  • Develop healthy habits. ...
  • Look outside yourself.
1 May 2022

What is the trick to happiness? ›

The most important happiness choice is to invest in your closest relationship whether it's a spouse, partner, parent, sibling or friend. We all know that exercising and taking care of yourself correlates with good health. The happiest among us actually do exercise and take care of ourselves.

What are the 12 steps to happiness? ›

12 Steps to Happiness
  1. Do more activities that truly engage you. ...
  2. Savor life's joys. ...
  3. Learn to forgive. ...
  4. Practice acts of kindness. ...
  5. Nurture relationships. ...
  6. Cultivate optimism. ...
  7. Avoid over-thinking and social comparison. ...
  8. Develop strategies for coping.
9 Aug 2012

What are the 4 types of happiness? ›

Aristotle distinguished between four different levels of happiness.
  • Happiness level 1: Laetus. Happiness from material objects. ...
  • Happiness level 2: Felix. Ego gratification. ...
  • Happiness level 3: Beatitudo. The happiness from doing good for others and making the world a better place. ...
  • Happiness level 4: Sublime Beatitudo.

What are the 4 chemicals that make you happy? ›

Brain Chemistry & Your Mood: 4 Hormones That Promote Happiness
  • Serotonin.
  • Dopamine.
  • Endorphins.
  • Oxytocin.
13 Sept 2021

What are the six steps to being happy? ›

Here's my six-step process to feeling happier in your life and your work:
  1. Stop chasing happiness. Many people connect happiness to the achievement of certain goals or aspirations. ...
  2. Remove your own barriers to happiness. ...
  3. Practice looking inwards. ...
  4. Build your self-esteem. ...
  5. Be present. ...
  6. Take time to appreciate yourself.
24 Jul 2019

What are the 6 steps to happiness? ›

Let's walk through each of them:
  1. Number 1: Spend time and energy in the right way. ...
  2. Number 2: Express gratitude for the good things in your life (big and small). ...
  3. Number 3: Perform random acts of kindness. ...
  4. Number 4: Be mindful and practice self-awareness. ...
  5. Number 5: Exercise and sleep. ...
  6. Number 6: Keep a routine.

How can I stop anxiety and enjoy my life? ›

Here are our best strategies for how to stop worrying and finally start living:
  1. Mindfulness and meditation.
  2. Deep breathing.
  3. Practice self-compassion.
  4. Do a body scan.
  5. Share your fears with friends and family.
  6. Practice gratitude.
  7. Keep an emotions journal.
  8. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

How do I find joy in life again? ›

How to find joy
  1. Let go of the past. ...
  2. Practice gratitude. ...
  3. Use the law of attraction. ...
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  5. Change your physiology. ...
  6. Create positive daily rituals. ...
  7. Be fully present. ...
  8. Find your purpose.

What is the beautiful of life? ›

Celebrate just because we have made all the lovely things around us happen, the smile we give to our friends, the kind words we say to the people around us. That is the beauty of life to see the sunshine which brightens our day and fills us with new vigour and strength.

What creates true happiness? ›

True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. To be truly happy, you don't need other people or material things. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort and living a life of purpose.

What raises the quality of life? ›

Quality of life depends on multiple factors, depending on the individual, but having access to good healthcare, clean and safe housing, healthy food, and a job that pays a living wage, will improve one's quality of living.

How can I live a happy life alone? ›

Short-term tips to get you started
  1. Avoid comparing yourself to others. ...
  2. Take a step back from social media. ...
  3. Take a phone break. ...
  4. Carve out time to let your mind wander. ...
  5. Take yourself on a date. ...
  6. Get physical. ...
  7. Spend time with nature. ...
  8. Lean into the perks of being alone.
23 Aug 2019

What are the 7 Habits for a healthy mind and body? ›

7 Habits that Encourage Good Mental Health
  • Get some rest! Sleep is vital, although the adorable puppy is optional. ...
  • Think positive thoughts! Try to start the day on a positive note! ...
  • Exercise and eat well. ...
  • Give yourself a break! ...
  • Pick up a hobby! ...
  • Be mindful! ...
  • Open up!

What are the 7 listed ways to maintain positive mental health? ›

About Self-Care
  • Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood and improve your health. ...
  • Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. ...
  • Make sleep a priority. ...
  • Try a relaxing activity. ...
  • Set goals and priorities. ...
  • Practice gratitude. ...
  • Focus on positivity. ...
  • Stay connected.

What is the main cause of overthinking? ›

Traumatic events in the past, stress experienced in the present, and high pressures or demands of life can also be the cause of overthinking in someone. “The impact of overthinking if it occurs for a long time is one of them is declining physical health.

How do I stop overthinking and negative thoughts? ›

Tips for addressing ruminating thoughts
  1. Distract yourself. When you realize you're starting to ruminate, finding a distraction can break your thought cycle. ...
  2. Plan to take action. ...
  3. Take action. ...
  4. Question your thoughts. ...
  5. Readjust your life's goals. ...
  6. Work on enhancing your self-esteem. ...
  7. Try meditation. ...
  8. Understand your triggers.
15 Nov 2019

How do you fix emotionally broken? ›

Self-care strategies
  1. Give yourself permission to grieve. ...
  2. Take care of yourself. ...
  3. Lead the way in letting people know what you need. ...
  4. Write down what you need (aka the 'notecard method') ...
  5. Go outdoors. ...
  6. Read self-help books and listen to podcasts. ...
  7. Try a feel-good activity. ...
  8. Seek professional help.
20 Sept 2019

How do you know if you are traumatized? ›

Intrusive memories

Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event. Reliving the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashbacks) Upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event. Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event.

How do you fix emotional damage? ›

Ways to Heal from Emotional Trauma
  1. Movement and Exercise. As trauma disrupts your body's natural equilibrium, exercise and movement can help repair your nervous system. ...
  2. Connect with Others. ...
  3. Ask for Support. ...
  4. Volunteer.

What 4 things make you happy? ›

4 Things That Actually Make You Happy
  • Get more sleep. This one should be a no-brainer by now, but getting enough sleep is so. ...
  • Exercise. Exercise, like sleep, is a quick ticket to happiness, with even more immediate. ...
  • Spend time outdoors. This may make you tweak your exercise routine to do double duty. ...
  • Maintain relationships.
3 Jun 2020

What makes people most happy? ›

The survey finds that, across the world, people most look to their health and well-being (both physical and mental), their family (partner/spouse and children), and having a sense of purpose as what gives them “the greatest happiness.” Next come their living conditions, feeling safe and in control, being in nature, ...

What are the 6 ways to be happy? ›

Here's my six-step process to feeling happier in your life and your work:
  • Stop chasing happiness. Many people connect happiness to the achievement of certain goals or aspirations. ...
  • Remove your own barriers to happiness. ...
  • Practice looking inwards. ...
  • Build your self-esteem. ...
  • Be present. ...
  • Take time to appreciate yourself.
24 Jul 2019

What are five keys to a happy life? ›

They think that happiness comes from acquiring lots of things and achieving noble goals.
5 keys to happiness
  • Positive emotion. ...
  • Engagement. ...
  • Relationships. ...
  • Meaning. ...
  • Achievement.
11 Jan 2015

What are the 3 happy lives? ›

Positive psychologists talk of three types of happiness – the “pleasant life” which is filled with positive emotion, the “good life” in which engagement in work and play makes time stand still, and the “meaningful life” in which a person uses his or her character strengths in service to a larger effort.

What makes happy naturally? ›

Exercise, spending time outdoors and getting a good night's sleep can help boost serotonin. Endorphins: Most commonly linked with exercise, endorphins are associated with "runner's high." "Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to increase endorphins," Dr.

What three 3 actions make an individual happier? ›

They found three distinct sources of happiness: Pleasure, Challenge and Meaning. These are the ingredients of all things that make us happy and they can be combined in different ways. Ideally we would spend most of our time doing things that include one, two or even all three sources.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.